Friday, July 6, 2012

"And so it begins"

The sewing bug has finally bit.  Hot steamy weather has sent me to the cellar sewing room. 

Bodice.  Worked on the fitting some more.  Was not happy with how the shoulder connected.  Ended up attaching the should straps of the white structure material by laying on top and over sewing.  I then used it as a guide and cut out a new velvet bodice piece, and new lining piece with the shoulder straps as part of the front.  ( for clarity purposes.  Bodice is composed of three pieces. 1) Velvet outside.  2) white duck structure  3) pink lining material-should be silk but is poly for price reasons)  After I did all that I discovered I had misjuded the Velvet bodice back, and cut it too small.  Had to recut that piece also.  Waste of velvet.  '
First I worked on the trim for the front and back of the bodice. 
After this was sewn on, I flatlined the structre material, which has the boning channel in the front sewn into it, to the velvet, then I sewed the Bodice together.

The back came out looking to angular, but it follows the straight line of the trim from the shoulders down.  And is equi distant from the side seam,

Next I were the Paned Sleeves.  I made these out of three layers, Velvet, white duck, and pink lining.

see and so it begins take two for the rest of the story.

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