Friday, July 6, 2012

"And so It begins." take two

I was unaware that the other version had saved, I thought I had lost it, but will keep both. 

Began working on my new dress.  The hot steamy weather has sent me to the cellar sewing room, cool and quiet. 
Day one I worked on the Bodice.  I had the Structure layer, of white duck, pinned together after the fitting.  I had sewn the boning channels for the front into this layer already.  I took this apart and transferred the changes to the other two layers.  I did not like the way I had cut the shoulder straps as seperate pieces from the front bodice.  So I reworked the structure layer to have the shoulder straps with the front section, and recut the Velvet and Lining layers.  Now no shoulder front strap seam.  I also discovered that I had layed out the Velvet bodice back using the wrong mark  thus it was two inches to small, this also was recut. 

With all the correct pieces now on to assembly.  First step was trim. 

Careful edge stitching attached the trim to the Bodice.

Second was flat lining of the White Structure to the Velvet Bodice.  After that I Sewed the seams together, except for the shoulder back. 

Second Sewing Day.   Started work on the Paned sleeves.  These sleeves will be in three layers, like the bodice.  Velvet, White duck, and pink lining.  I decided to pipe the edges.  This will give them a crisp edge, and something for the buttons to be sewn to. 

These are going together quickly.  Found I needed to use my old sewing machine for the piping.  It is doing a much cleaner job then the fancy new(erish) machine.  I have ordered a piping foot for the new machine.  It's not new, most likely 20years old, but newer then the other.  The Old machine is still a trooper.  It is a all metal case machine, with a knee throttle.  You can't kill this baby.  I digress.
The panel are mostly assembled.  Length and top edge need to be worked on.  I want to do a band at the top of trim.  Now need buttons.  Figure I need 42 or more to connect the panes.   Might have to wait until Pennsic to find what I want. 

Next to decide If I want to pipe around the Bodice. 

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